page title icon Does ‘The Secret’ work? Learn How the Law of Attraction work

People started to talk about the Law of Attraction after the successful book and movie “The Secret” By Rhonda Byrne. This book on Law of attraction has changed many people’s life. Nevertheless, to say the movie misled some not to do anything for manifesting success, this book definitely has a point to make. The Secret book and movie have shown people ‘How powerful is the human mind’.

Here I am going to give you some clarity and technique about how to make the law of attraction work for you.

Law of attraction is a fancy name, in actuality it’s nothing, it is the power of the human mind.

Every human being bears this power, but the majority don’t know how to use it for their betterment.

How To Make Law of Attraction Works As It Explained In “The Secret Book“?

Our mind is divided into two, Conscious and Sub-conscious minds. Only on the conscious mind you have control, but you need sub-conscious mind for your manifestation.

Those who are able to utilize their subconscious mind have effortless success and prosperity.

There are certain techniques available to help you in that, Let’s discuss this one by one

1. Meditation

People think that meditation is difficult. To Whomever I talked to about meditation, have always said this, Oh! It is difficult to keep my mind clear and focus.

Meditation is ‘the act of giving your attention to only one thing. Even if you cannot keep your mind clear, it is completely alright. You can simply start by observing your thought. Gradually, you will develop the ability to control your thought.

One method of doing meditation is focusing your attention on different parts of your body, it is called the body scanning method.

Now let me come to the point, When you meditate you are actually bringing down your brain waves vibration to alpha level or low alpha waves and this helps to open up your subconscious mind, and you can give clear instruction about your goals/needs for manifesting with the power of your mind.

This can be easily practiced by anyone, and the majority of people had whatever they want in life through this technique.

2. Affirmation

Through affirmation, you are constantly giving suggestions to your mind about what you want. A thought you hold in the mind for long period, with affirmation, it gets into your subconscious mind.

A simple technique for affirmation is to write your goal in a present positive way on a card and keep it in your pocket, whenever you touch it, just pick it up and read, then imagine and feel that you have already manifested it.

3. Be in Good and Elevated Emotions

law of attraction emotion frequency scale
law of attraction – emotion frequency scale

If you want to attract good in your life, you need to be at a higher energy level. The above picture demonstrates which higher and positive emotions will help you to manifest more and more goodness into life. The easiest one is being grateful. Always try to bring this emotion into your life. Think about it every day and every time. You can even keep reminders on your mobile phone to remember you to shift your emotion into the feeling of gratitude many times in a day.

This is a highly effective and easiest way to activate the power of the law of attraction to bring goodness into your life.

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